Thursday, 6 October 2016

Cables Buried At Buckland Rings

Buckland Rings is an Iron Age Hillfort (and modern day informal BMX track) situated on the National Park's border with Lymington.  To its south and east ran a 33v overhead cable which spoilt  the setting of the fort from the adjacent open access.

The cable has now been buried as part of Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks £15m project to underground 90km of overhead lines in AONB and National Parks in North Scotland and Central Southern England.  A few weeks after the burial no evidence of the work can be seen on the ground.

... and gone.
NFA are now championing the burying of the cable from Hicheslea west along the old Ringwood train line via Slap Bottom to Bagnam.  If anyone out there has an overhead cable in the New Forest National Park they particularly dislike, they should should contact

-- Graham Baker, Chair, Planning Committee

(web editor's note: perhaps we could reduce our planning committee's workload by only notifying them of any overhead cables anyone is actually fond of....)